Delete or post at Nraas Industries, if requested.
ScriptErrors: Errors produced by the game that were caught by Twallan’s ErrorTrap mod.It might contain some useful info if you have trouble up- or downloading. Sims3LauncherLogFile.log: This file tells you what happens when you try uploading/downloading to the Exchange.Log Files: Log Files about the Computer and errors that might occur.Can be manually edited with any text editor before entering game if game crashes before you have a chance to enter F5. If you get any graphical or sound glitch, removing this file would restore the Options and Lessons to “factory defaults” and you can then re-tweak the options as you desire, again. Save this file if you update your drivers and put it back after the update or all your Option settings will be lost because the game would reset it automatically. Options.ini: Contains your game and graphic options set in the game.Delete them from time to time, especially if you add package files. The 5 Cache Files are recreated on startup.Details can be found here: Where are my files installed ? What is the meaning of the folders/files ? Main Folder